
Industrialization and environment.

For the last two hundred years mankind has made great progress. Many wonderful achievements have been made. People became stronger, and smarter than they were before. They also live more comfortable and safer today. That’s why they don’t care about the nature. People consider themselves as the major part of our environment.

It’s true that now people know more about the things, which surrounds them in everyday life. Our standard of living has increased, but it caused the great troubles and pollution for our environment. The question is what is more beneficial for mankind to care about the environment or to continue the industrial development.

Industrialization helps people to live more comfortable and safer but from the other hand the Earth is getting more and more polluted because of it. It’s difficult to make a choice between such things as unpolluted environment and developed world. People shouldn’t go to extremes deciding this question. Of course we must care about our environment, because mankind will die out if we isn’t concerned about the nature. Also people can’t live without evolution. If people want to live in peace with nature they should use advanced technologies, which won’t pollute our environment.