Аудиторная и самостоятельная работа по английскому языку
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Shall I read? What will you do in the evening?

В вопросах к подлежащему порядок слов не изменяется, подлежащее меняем на who –кто или what – что, вспомогательный глагол всегда will.

I shall go on the excursion.

Who will go on the excursion?

Отрицательная форма FutureSimple (Indefinite) образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательных глаголов shallили will(возможны сокращения shan't, won't).

Подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол did + not + основной глагол (в первой форме) + … .

I shall not be able to join you on your trip. Я не смогу присоединиться к вам в вашей поездке.(I shan'tbe able to join you on your trip.) He will not receive the telegram in time.Он не получит телеграмму вовремя. (He won't receive the telegram in time.)


а) Вопросительная форма типа Will you sit down? используется для выражения просьбы.

Will you please take off your coat?

Won't you go with us to the concert?

Чтобы общий вопрос ко 2-му лицу не воспринимался как просьба, в Англии вместо вспомогательного глагола willупотребляется глагол shall.

Shall you be at home at 9?

В США в этих случаях обычно употребляется will.

б) Future Simple (Indefinite) не употребляется в придаточных предложениях времени и условия. В них для выражения будущего действия глагол ставится в Present Simple (Indefinite).

I shall give him a letter when he comes. The children will go for a walk if it stops raining.

Ex. 22 Раскройте скобки, употребляя. глаголы в FutureSimple.

1. I (to think) about this information. 2 According to the forecast it (to be) raining tomorrow. 3. We (to come) to see you on Monday. 4.I (to prepare) to my examinations next week. 5. You (to show) me your new picture? 6. I think he (not to come) tomorrow. 7 I don't think she (to answer) all the questions. 8. We (to work) in our garden tomorrow. 9. How you (to pack) your things? 10. Her mother (to buy) her a silver chain for her birthday.

Ex. 23 Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. My sister will graduate from the University next year. 2.I shall go to the cinema tomorrow. 3. They will play tennis on Saturday. 4. We shall translate this text the day after tomorrow. 5. He will write a letter to his sister tomorrow. 6. My parents will go to the South next year. 7.I shall finish this work in a week. 8.He will come back on Friday. 9. We shall meet our friends tomorrow.

Ex. 24 Переведитенаанглийскийязык, употребляяглаголto be в Future Simple.

1) Я буду завтра в институте. 2) Она будет зубным врачом. 3) Где ты будешь завтра? — Я. буду дома. 4) Мы будем в Москве на следующей неделе. 5) Его не будет на работе завтра. Он будет в командировке. 6) Позвони ему позже. Может быть, он будет дома. 7) Завтра никого не будет в офисе.

Ex. 25 В предложениях описаны события, которые происходили прошлым летом. Представьте, чтоэтисобытияпроизойдутбудущимлетом.

1.I was in America a year ago. 2.Where were your parents last summer? 3. It was in July. 4. There was no fruit in May. 5. Did you roller-skate? 6. She bought a new dress, didn’t she? 7. My mom taught my brother to swim.

В придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов

If-если, when-когда, as soonas- как только, till-до тех пор, before- перед, after- после, until- до тех пор, как, while – во время.

Future Simple заменяется на Present Simple.

Ex. 26 Раскройте скобки, употребляя. глаголы в FutureSimple.

1. I (to do) it as soon as I (to get) book. 2. When you (to see) Mr. Smith ask him to call immediately. 3. If the rain (not to stop) there (to be) a flood. 4. Don't leave before you (to get) our message. 5. If all (to go) well we shall land tonight. 6. Take care of my luggage while I (to get) my ticket. 7. Tomorrow if the weather (to be) good we (to go) to the country. 8. We (to stay) in the waiting-room while Robert (to look) for a porter. 9 .I (to make) you a nice cup of tea as soon as the water (to boil). 10. If you (to come) past six o'clock you (not to find) him waiting. 11. I think I (to wait) here until your bus (to come). 12. If you (to be) so excited you hardly (be able) to think.

Ex. 27 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголыв Future Simple и Present Simple.

1.We (to begin) as soon as Tom (to be ready). 2. I (stay) here until it (to get) warmer. Mother (to bring) us cakes when she (to go) out. 3. If he (to have) time he (to come) to us. 4. Don't leave until I (to send) you a message. 5. She (to be) very happy if you (to take) her to the theatre. 6. We (to go) swimming as soon as school (be) over. 7. She (to be) a good actress if she (to work) hard. 8. I (to open) the door when father (to ring). 9. I (to see) him again if he (not to come) today.10.I (to notify) you as soon as I (to hear) from her.11.You (not to go) until I (to know) the truth. 12. He (to come) every day to help you with your work while I (be) away. 13. You (to have) a chocolate if you (to be) good. 14. I (to do) it as soon as I (to get) book. 15. When you (to see) Mr. Smith ask him to call immediately. 16. If the rain (not to stop) there (to be) a flood. 17. Don't leave before you (to get) our message. 18. If all (to go) well we shall land tonight. 19. Take care of my luggage while I (to get) my ticket. 20. Tomorrow if the weather (to be) good we (to go) to the country. 21. We (to stay) in the waiting-room while Robert (to look) for a porter. 22.I (to make) you a nice cup of tea as soon as the water (to boil). 23. If you (to come) past six o'clock you (not to find) him waiting. 24. I think I (to wait) here until your bus (to come). 25. If you (to be) so excited you hardly (be able) to think.

Ex. 28 Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени следующих прилагательных:

a) tall, long, short, hot, cold, nice, large, big, wide, happy, warm, high, heavy, low, hard, busy, easy,bright;

b) interesting, comfortable, important, necessary, beautiful, famous, pleasant, popular, wonderful, active, careful.

c) old, tall, thin, thick, fat, red, warm, high, short, black, small, light, late, large, fast, rich, dark, quick, sad, weak, pretty, bright, dry, full, nice, wet, early, strong, ugly, quite, funny, lazy, far, expensive, good, difficult, helpful, many, heavy, dirty, clean, near, little, famous, much, clever, cheap, pale, early, practical.
